Lead Engineer - Novelship

Started a new role

As part of the founding Team, Built & Launched the Novelship Marketplace Web App, Backend & Database-Services from zero. Scaled the platform from 0 to 100k users/month.

• Built the Development & Developer processes for optimal-effective workflows for Designing, Developing, Testing and Launching products.

• Build the Cloud Infra with multi-stage environments for development and staging, powered with Continuous Integration, Observability and Security. • Launched Novelship PWA, Performance first, Perfect 100 Goggle Lighthouse score, < 2-second boot-up, <100Kb initial build. Followed Best Web Practices, PRPL, caching and lazy loading patterns.

• Built Campaigns and Promotional Features to boost the company's growth, resulting in multi folds of user registration and sales.

• Built Localised Currency-Country services for global transactions, which enabled Novelship to become cross-border covering multiple regions.

• Integrated multiple Payments, Shipping, Analytics, Data and several Automation tools for transforming Novelship into a customer-friendly and automations enabled App.

• Raised 2M$ Seed Round with the successful launch and growth.